Let's Connect!
Shadowscapes Tarot
I tend to like 5 of Wands, but then again I do like a healthy round of competition. 5 of Wands can mean conflict  but it can also mean pitting yourself against setbacks, delays, people. If we are never challenged, we never grow. It can also mean that you need to stand up for yourself or in something you believe in. But with 5 of wands the question usually is; which hill do you want to die on? Pick your battles strategically and make your words and deeds count.

1. At work my competition seems to be... I am meeting the challenge by...
2. The following disputes are in play right now... the one I am going to choose to defend is... and I will do that by...
3. How do you feel about competition, does it fill you with energy or with dread? How do you respond to conflict?

1. To temper: to dilute, qualify, or soften by the addition or influence of something else.
2. Temperance: moderation in action, thought, or feeling, restraint.
Temperance in the Tarot usually shows a person or an angel mixing two substances together. This is not a slap dash throwing together but a careful, measured, steady combination of ingredients. Today's card is one of the major Virtues included in the deck and calls us to moderate our actions, speech and influence; to take the middle path, to seek harmony over individuation with a soft touch and an calm manner.

1. I feel a little out of control about... I need to reign in my impulse to...
2. I am dealing with a delicate situation that calls for... the qualities about myself that I am using to manage it are...
3. I have a hard time being moderate about... and if affects me in the following ways...

Wildwood Tarot
Happy Monday Everyone! This Monday brings us the diligent effort of 8 of Pentacles, a very apt "Monday" card if I ever saw one. 8/Pentacles is truly the card of honing your craft, paying attention to details, spending time alone to focus on a project, being in the all consuming place of flow.

Studies show that despite our claims of being efficient multitaskers, we are in fact terrible at multitasking and the endless beeps, chirps and dings are hammering away at our collective efforts to focus on any one particular task. 8 of Pentacles calls us turn it all off and truly focus on what we need to get done, create, make -- to give birth to something new for this world. 

1. What do you need to work on today?
2. What needs your total focus and attention?
3. What have you been putting off that, once begun, will fill you with purpose?

No 5 Minute Tarot Connections this week, folks.
I am healing from a monster truck cold and will be back on point next Monday.
Maybe it was the drama free Thanksgiving, or dancing at your Grandparent's 50th wedding anniversary. Maybe it was sitting at a table with your close friends, your sisters, your tribe but in that moment you look around and as you sigh contentedly you realize that life is good and you are filled with peace and joy. This card is all about having a peaceful, happy moment with those nearest and dearest to you.

1. One of my favorite memories is...
2. I need to cultivate more 10/cups energy in my life; I would like to do that by...
3. I need to patch up the following relationships in my family... I am going to start doing that by...

Don't mind if I do!
Today's card pull is the mighty, yet gentle, King of Cups.

I really fancy King of Cups types, they are calm, patient, tolerant and are true diplomats of the court realm. They diffuse arguments and work to bring people together. This is often my "therapist" card. He can also be an artist, a person in ministry, a poet. When a Court card makes an appearance it can either mean someone with those qualities popping up or that you need to take some of his qualities on for yourself. This King is so much about helping others, how are you helping others in your own life?

Maybe you need to give away some free hugs!

1. I am giving back to my community by doing...
2. Think back to a time where you truly and selflessly helped another, what was that like and how did it make you feel?
3. What do you need to be more tolerant of, more forgiving, more understanding of?
4. What does the act of compassion look like in your life? How do you practice compassion?

Mythic Tarot
For Tuesday's 5 minute Tarot Connection I pulled for us the Page of Wands. To me, the Page of Wands is active, fiery, lives in the moment, athletic, courageous, full of great ideas and enthusiasim and not one to be bogged down just yet with details, long term plans or fear. This page is expansive, kind and generous in his time and enthusiastic cheer leading of your efforts. This page is about being the party of YES, he will try just about anything once and is encouraging you to take the world by the horns go out into the world.

1. There is this idea that I have long been thinking about... I haven't started it because...
2. I need to get out there are try more things... here are a few from my bucket list...
3. When someone asks me to go somewhere spontaneously I react in the following ways...

4. Sometimes I get in my own way in terms of embracing a joyful life... I can commit to improving the following areas so that I truly experience joyful living...

The Phantomwise Tarot
The five of wands is one of those cards that makes it feel like the world is against you. You enter the slow lane at the supermarket, your family and friends are squabbling to downright fighting, your boss turns down your brilliant idea, you spill coffee of course on your lovely ivory dress. The five of wands carries the energy of competition, struggle, fights and disharmony.

As much as a day like that really can get on ones nerves, it is how we deal with aggravating circumstances; because these kinds of things make or break us. The stress levels that affect our health, our emotional well-being and our relationships. How do you manage with setbacks?

1. When I hit a run of bad luck I usually react in the following ways...
2. When life hands me lemons I...
3. When confronted with an unpleasant issue or person I need to work on...
4. Sometimes it is important to lose gracefully, here is what I have done in the past...
5. When overwhelmed I tend to do the following... a healthier alternative would be...

