Let's Connect!
by Erika Pochybova-Johnson
April feels like a heavy energy month. The amount of major Arcana expressing itself throughout the signs and some of it unpleasant tells me that April is not “shiny happy people” but rather” get your act together”.

Aries- 3 of Cups/ King of Cups/ 8 of Cups

"It’s all fun and games until someone loses an eye" sums up your Tarotscope, Aries, 3/Cups is about celebrations, hanging out with your besties and have a great time but watch your words and who you confide to because it looks like there could be a falling out between you and some of your social circle. Be like the King of Cups and make sure that what is said to you in confidence is met with your compassion, try to let go of any judgments with others this month to avoid a social conflict.

Taurus- Queen of Wands

Taurus your creativity and intuition are running high this April. Now is the time to get cracking on that project you know is a big deal but haven’t started on because your creativity, your receptivity to the big picture are running strong in the month of April. Now is also the time to be thinking in terms of your physical health; what are you doing to be the vital, vibrant you? Picking up a new routine to move and live in your body is also ideal for April.

Gemini- Death

Oh Gemini, (and I am a Gemini so don’t think I am picking on you!) what are you doing that is unhealthy for you?  Perhaps you are being asked to do too much, to continue a job, relationship or living situation that is not good for you. Death is about full stop. It is a painful yet transformative process and you are being shown  quite dramatically that you have to change what you are doing. The pain of radical transformation is difficult but it will come to and end no matter what you do so now is the time to prepare for change in a major way.

Cancer- Justice

"All’s fair in love and war…" unless you are a Cancer in the month of April. This month has you mumbling to yourself, “that’s not fair” and you are right, it isn’t! You need to speak up when you think you are not being treated fairly and advocate for yourself. This month is about working to achieve balance, transparency, and making things right. I know confrontation isn’t your thing, Cancer, but Justice holds a sword in one hand and so must you.

Leo- Temperance

Don’t overdo it Leo! Temperance calls you to take things easy. Right now, you are trying to mix “water and fire” together to create something new.. Try not to lose your temper because it is critical you keep steady and stay on point. Now, I know there are butterflies to sniff outside in the glorious sunshine and you want to play with but for right now you have to stay the course, be patient, be unswerving and you will win.

Virgo- 2 of Pentacles

Virgos, as a rule, aren’t the best with change, yet that is what 2 of pentacles is calling you to do. If you are unhappy it is up to you to change aspects of your life in order to get back on track. Change in the beginning usually means being messy, just what Virgos tend to dislike. Sometimes you have to toss the chips so they lay in new and creative ways.

Libra- 10 of Wands

April is going to be a hard working month, no doubt about it. Your job is to consider whether all of that hard work is worth it. Who are you doing it for? What is the purpose? If it feels like you are not making headway then try to come up with some creative ways to lighten your load. It won’t be forever,  and if you can think positively you will get a ton of stuff done in April.

Scorpio- 9 of Wands

Scorpio, I know that you have been working hard and there has been a lot in your way; you are feeling worn down, tired and wondering if you should soldier on. 9/wands encourages you to keep going despite set backs; take a deep breath and keep placing one foot in front of the other. I know that you are capable of great focus, Scorpio, and this is the time when you need to engage it.

Sagittarius- 4 of cups

Don’t be too hasty to accept anything offered to you this month, Sag. If it seems like it is too good to be true, it probably is. Take time to do your homework, research the heck out of the offer and don’t allow yourself to feel pressure about coming to a decision quickly. I know you are a decisive type but this month is the month to sit with something a little longer before coming to a conclusion. Ambiguity is not your strong suit, I know, but doing so will work in your favor later on.

Capricorn- 10 of Swords

Aw, what’s going on, buttercup? 10/Swords is not a fun card, indeed, and it looks like April is going to be a tough month for you. My best advice for you is to not fight the ending of things; whether this be a relationship, job, friendship or other something has got to give and fighting will only make it harder to accept. Batten down the hatches, make sure you are practicing self care and know that hitting rock bottom will happen soon and what that happens the only way to go is up. Think about what UP is going to look like for you and start planning.

Aquarius- The High Priestess

Your intuition is thrumming, Aquarius and April shows high on the arc of your intuition. Now is the time to start asking the Big Questions and listening to the answer because your third eye is open and on full alert. Take this time to meditate, pray, go on long walks and take your journal, too, because you are going to be very perceptive and open in April. Capitalize on this time by making sure you’re asking the right questions; you know the one there in your heart that you are afraid to ask? Ask now.

Pisces- 8 of Swords

You can only think about it from so many angles and come up with the same solutions. This is the card of self entrapment. You keep swimming around and around in your pool there thinking that there is just no other way through; but there is. If you need to start floating your problem by a friend, a coach, colleague or mentor please do so because you seem to be unable to find the solution on your own. Its totally not as bad as you think and in fact the way through is very near you just need a new perspective to find it.

I am not surprised to see 10 of Wands make an appearance in between Ostara, Passover, Easter, Vernal Equinox and so on. What seems to be a fun holiday for many often means extra burden for the caretakers of the home with extra shopping, cooking and all the trimmings that go into a holiday. 10 of Wands is the card of overwork, oppression, being burdened and difficulty with coping with the load. This is not always a bad thing, sometimes we have to bust our buns to meet a goal but if this feels like always rather than sometimes then the danger of burnout can occur.

Its hard "keeping up with the Joneses" and the demands on our time are greater than ever. Perhaps its time to check out of the race and do things your way. Suzie needs a non harried Mother more than she needs another extra curricular activity.

1. I am overwhelmed by... but I continue because...
2. Here are some creative ways I can  lighten my load...
3. I need to be willing to give up some things in order to care for myself better; they are the following...
4. I resist putting down my burden because I am afraid the following will happen...

Death Tarot Card
Golden Tarot
This morning on my walk to my reading room this morning, I said to myself, "I bet I pull the Death card for my Tarot connection today." Lo and behold when I got in, I cut the deck and out comes Death, literally jumping out of the deck. Often the Death card can mean transformation, a sudden change, an abrupt ending in an aspect of one's life. But, as much as people do not like to think about it, Death can also mean just that, death. My husband is on his way to Boston for a sudden funeral on his side of the family on the heels of my kind elderly shut-in neighbor who lost her dog to cancer, "where is the third one?" I think to myself as I go about my day. Modern society does not like to think about death and we have sanitized it to be hidden but our ancestors had a closer association with death hence why the death card in those older decks are often grinning.

I used to work a Renaissance Fair in California (not surprised are you?) and I loved a troupe of dancers and singers called the Danse Macabre, they would joyfully dance about as skeletons reminding us to wring every moment we can out of life because it will all soon be gone.

1. I am profoundly affected by the death of this person... and it changed my life in the following ways...
2. My ideas around death are... my idea of an afterlife is... and it affects me in my living by the following ways...
3. I imagine my death might be like... and so I empower my living by...
4. I need to prepare for my eventual death by... I need to make sure others know...

Dragon Tarot
"You must do the thing you think you cannot do."-E.Roosevelt.

Among clients I usually hear a groan or a sigh when the Hermit appears. The Hermit is not about just being alone or lonely. The Hermit calls you to stop the endless distractions, social visits, Facebooking until your eyes are bleary and your fingertips are sore. This is about finding time for yourself to gain hidden knowledge, seeking out your spiritual truth and none of that is possible until you put the damn phone down! Self care takes work and we often needs time alone, time in meditation and in prayer in order to gain clarity and wisdom. Get to know you for a change and hunker down into the relationship you have with the Greater. Need inspiration?
How To Be Alone

1. The next time I find myself alone with free time I commit to doing the following for my spiritual well-being.
2. When I am alone and it is quiet I feel... because...

3. Being alone is not the same as lonley, here is how I will practice self care when I am alone...

Happy Monday, darlings... today's card up for your consideration and enjoyment is 2 of Cups. 2 of Cups is connection, intimacy, a joining together, romance and attraction. This card is often understood as a romance card but I think that this card casts a wider net and includes intimate relationships. You "get" someone and they "get" you. This can be your mentor, teacher, child, sister, best friend; the person who looks into your eyes and sees the soul shining back at him; to me that is what 2 of Cups can mean.

1. The person who knows me most is... and their presence in my life is like...
2. I feel really understood by this person...it is a connection that is like...
3. I need to allow more people to connect with me in the following ways...
4. I am lacking true intimate connection in my life and it affects me in the following ways...
5. I am going to invite more intimacy in my life by letting others in, trusting others, accepting others as they are and beginning that path by doing...

For Today's card I pulled the first court card in the series... lo and behold it is my very own Queen of Wands. When the QofW enters our life it is a call to take on some of her personality traits and behaviors. This Queen successfully amalgamates intuition and intellect which is expressed in the world in a creative way. This Queen is positive, uplifting, dynamic, forward thinking, passionate, unconventional and always has a whole slew of projects to think about or tinker with.

1. I have this great idea that is...
2. I've always wanted to do th... and people might think I am a little crazy, but I just cant stop thinking about doing/making/creating....
3. When I think about... I feel so positive and hopeful.

Join Joanna & Nick as they talk with Kalyana Practitioner and Founder of Queen Of Wands Tarot, Jenna Matlin, about her practice as a Transformational Tarot Reader.  If you have been curious about this mystical practice and wondered how it works and how it can help you, you will not want to miss this interesting discussion. She will be answering the following questions:

  • What is transformational Tarot exactly?
  • How can the Tarot be used as a tool for self-development and knowledge?
  • What kind of client would typically come in for a session?
  • Is it "Fortune Telling"? 
  • What is unique about Jenna's sessions?
  • What is wrong with the typical stereotypes around the reading of the Tarot?

The interview has been archived, please listen here!

by Thalia Took
Today's 5 minute Tarot connection brings us The Star! The Star is the card of inspiration, hope, peace and looking towards the future with positivity. The Star brings a simple, yet lovely message. Sing along with me now!

When you wish upon a star Makes no difference who you are
Anything your heart desires Will come to you

If your heart is in your dream No request is too extreme
When you wish upon a star As dreamers do

Fate is kind She brings to those to love
The sweet fulfillment of Their secret longing

Like a bolt out of the blue Fate steps in and sees you through
When you wish upon a star Your dreams come true

1. What fills me with inspiration is...
2. I am hopeful about... and I believe it will
3. I know that this will get better because...
4. I am envisioning my life to unfold as...

By annelk
Happy Vernal Equinox everyone! Those of us in the northern hemisphere enjoy today as the quiet equidistant balance before the shift to light begins. It is the space between breaths, thoughts; the action between jumping and landing. Western society in particular has a hard time with the notion of in-between space. It either is, or it isn't... and we are driven to distraction trying to attain, be, do, meet and so on. Sometimes the most important work we can do, the only work we can do; is to hang in the balance.
The hanged man tarot card is tied to the story of Odin who hanged himself from the World Tree who learned  from that experience learned the secret of the runes. The Hanged Man is the time of not doing, not being, not running around like crazy. This times are not always chosen by us and so when they occur and we feel like we can't move forward we can either gnash our teeth in frustration, or sit within the unstructured space, and even enjoy it, hanging in the balance.

Notice that the Hanged Man is never in agony and usually he has a serene look on his face, there is a lesson there for us all!

1. Do you allow yourself to sit without endless distractions?
2. How do you handle ambiguity?
3. Do you resist having unstructured time/plans or undefined relationships? If so, why?
4. Why do you think the in-between moments cause anxiety? How do you think they might be helpful for you?

The Victorian Romantic Tarot
The 9/Pentacles has to be one of my most favorite tarot cards. The 9/pentacles usually shows a woman, sometimes with a bird, in her garden. This woman, very simply, has arrived. She has learned her lessons, taken her lumps and has cultivated a life of financial security, self knowledge and the enjoyment that is the fruit of one's labours. 9/Pentacles calls on you to act like the Lady or Gentleman you are; with refinement, disciplined reserve and contented ease.

1. I get impulsive when... and when I get impulsive I do the following.
2. I manage my impulses by doing the following...
3. There was a time when I was totally content and at ease... it was... and I invite that feeling into my life by...
4. I imagine the end of my life looking like... I imagine myself being...