Let's Connect!
After the energy of Monday, Tuesday is defining and shaping the continued momentum as the Page of Swords; giving you the energy for a sustained, curious, mentally sharp, and idealistic course of action.

Perhaps you will solve a problem that has been vexing you, or see a solution that was difficult to discern. Maybe you will find your concentration sharp as you tackle a project. The only concern around the page is that she has so many wonderful things to think about that her energy can lose focus and be fractured all over the place. Ahem... how much time are you spending on social media, hmm?

1. What in your life needs your razor sharp focus right now?
2. Do you find your attention fractured, flitting from one subject to another without learning anything deeply? If so, what would you like to gain mastery in and what's stopping you?
3. What do you need to get to the bottom of in your life? What have you been avoiding because is requires more intellectual focus than you care to expend (like taxes, buying a home, learning Spanish)?

8/Wands is one of my favorite Tarot cards. The principle behind this card is fast action, things coming to a conclusion, and messages of all kinds but particularly communication which definitively settles an issue.This is only card (besides the Aces) in a traditional deck that do not have any people in it. Movement & communication outside of ego is the key message of this card. We often allow our ego, anxiety, and fear create blockages that stop us from fully expressing our truth. 8/Wands calls you to just, "Git-R-done"! Get moving because with this card, the Universe is the wind in your sail pushing you along.

1. Where does the momentum currently reside in your life?
2. Are you resisting the momentum or going with the flow?

3. What issue are you currently working on that will settle an issue in your life?
4. Are you allowing your ego (pride, worry, anxiety, fear) get in the way? What does that look like and why are you allowing it?

Taurus, it is your time to shine! Patient, sensuous and loyal you make for a great cook, massage therapist or sculptor for yours is the land of touch, taste, feel, and smell. Gentle and stubborn you won't be moved unless you want to be moved. A great friend or lover no one has had.

May's Tarotscope for Taurus is:  The Emperor

Being an Emperor requires discipline of mind over heart and an appreciation for leadership, rules, order and structure. When things get chaotic in your life, dear bull, it is up to you to reign it in and demand order. You and only you are in control of your life, and if there are people who are bringing chaos into your world this month the Emperor energy enables you to demand the order that you need to function. If others are playing games with the rules it is your job to let others know that you are not going to put up with any BS. I know that you are beyond patient in most circumstances but when angered, watch out. I don't want you to wait until you are very angry to lash out. This month of May work on confronting others with issues before you get to that point, deal with it like a boss because you are.

Gemini: Judgement

Judgement heralds a call to change, Gemini, and the change is healing, good and empowering. The month of May gives you an opportunity to turn a new leaf and start something anew. The new start requires looking at the past; noticing mistakes made in order to atone for wrong doings and when that is done release them without attachment into the Universe. You are being given quite a gift this month, Gemini, the Angel is calling you to step into a new way of being in the world. It is your choice to heed the call.

Cancer: Page/Wands

Cancer, you got ideas coming out of your ears for the month of May. You will experience May with heightened creativity and the energy to want to act on those fun projects and plans. When is the last time you did an art project, Cancer? I encourage you to undertake an art class or some other creative hobby because you are going to need an outlet for all that fun energy. What have you been thinking to do that you always put off, sweet crab? Fire it up and get crackin!

Leo: Page/Cups

May will come in like a lover's sigh, Leo, Page/Wands often represents a new love relationship or a current relationship that is enlivened with playful romance. I know you are good at playful romance, Leo, and someone in your life needs your charismatic attention just about now. The trees are all in bloom, the bees are visiting the flowers; make some room for this great energy that is swirling about you the month of May. Who are you going to woo, my lion?

Virgo: Ace/Cups

May brings in a month full of love, compassion, being open and opening yourself to others, Virgo. Virgos are especially good at caring for others and so connecting to your compassionate nature is easy and the energy for doing so this month will flow with the milk and honey of love. Opening yourself to love, to being loved and to allow others to see the vulnerable and shaky self within you is hard, I know. But it is the only way deeper bonds can be formed. Open the door of your heart, Virgo, and see who comes to change it forever and for the better.

Libra: Death

May is going to be the month of reckoning, Libra. What are you carrying that no longer serves you? May is going to be about the full stop of something you already know isn't working but afraid to let go of. Librans tend to sacrifice a lot to keep the peace because Librans hold inter-relational harmony in high regard. Sometimes it's not enough and when we are unwilling or unable to accept that things can end in ways that are painful, dramatic yet necessary. Things die so that new things can be born, Libra. Try to accept things for as they are and think about the rebirth that will happen later.

Scorpio: 7/Cups

Are we in dreamland, Scorpio? The month of May brings to you fantasies, dreams, and hopes for a better future for yourself and those you love. Sometimes, we do not allow ourselves to dream because our dreams feel so far away from our reality and the difference can be painful. Scorpios are very intentional and sometimes quite serious, "What's the point in dreaming when I have a list of 50 things to do today?" But the thing is, the most powerful poignant thing is, when we dream we create ripples out ahead of us to the future; priming ourselves to create the world we want. That is where anything meaningful begins. So for the month of May, Scorpio give yourself permission to dream.

Sagittarius: 9/Wands

Sag, its going to feel a little like everything is stacked against you in May. There are going to be setbacks, difficulties, and people just taking everything you say and do the wrong way. Despite this difficult month the energy of 9/wands is one of determination, stamina and standing within who you are no matter what anyone else says and does. I think you are pretty good at doing that, Sag, but what is difficult for you is to understand the emotional undercurrents that make people act in irrational ways and that can derail you. Its important in May that your only job is to keep going and make it happen for yourself, because you are very close to the finish line and this is just the last push.

Capricorn: 2/Swords

Capricorns can sometimes have a hard time making a decision. Not because you are indecisive, but because you like to weigh all the options, sometimes to the nth degree. May is going to deepen that energy for you Cap but this time it's going to feel like your inability to make a decision is going to drive you crazy. I do not see forward movement for you about this decision you will have to make so the goal for you in May is to be gentle with yourself and others and trust that you will figure the right way to go; just not as quickly as you would like to.

Aquarius: The Sun

May is looking pretty good, water bearer! The Sun is giving you a lot visibility to see ahead and with that you make the right decisions for a successful run both in your career and with your family. The Sun also highlights spending time with children or grandchildren as well as being playful and a bit child-like yourself. It's ok to be silly every once in awhile and I encourage you to take May to perfect your art of play. The Sun highlights all kinds of openness, success, friendship and fun relationships for you this month, enjoy!

Pisces: The High Priestess

May will be a month where you will experience heightened intuition. Not that you are not already gifted with intuition in spades my little carp, but May will gift you with even more. Your job is to just listen. You need to quiet the constant swimming of the inner fish with prayer, meditation and walks in this most lovely time of year to allow secrets to emerge. When our conscious minds are quiet, like a still pond, gut feelings appear as if by magic. Trust yourself and if it doesn't feel right...it isn't.

Aries: Ten/Wands

 Lovely Ram, does it feel like the world is on your shoulders? May is going to turn into a month where you are working very hard, feeling overwhelmed and it just seems like things won't let up! It's just going to be one of those months but all is not lost, even though it is feeling oppressive for you this month it is still so much about forward movement. As difficult as trudging up the hill will be for you, keep hammering away at your goal one small step at a time. With a little perspective and a lot of humor you will weather this challenge with all the fiery enthusiasm that Aries possesses.

Knight of Wands Tarot
Wheel of the Year Tarot
Friday comes galloping in on a horse, full of passionate ideas and creative action. This Knight calls you to be daring, to take risks, to embrace change and throw caution to the wind. Bright, charismatic, and enthusiastic are all traits that this Knight embodies.

1. I have always wanted to do this... but I didn't because... I am going to commit to to trying something new by...

2. I remember a time when I had an adventure that was not planned, it was... and I felt... I endeavor to invite that into my life again by doing...

3. I need to take these risks in my life...

4. I am passionate about...and I am going to show it by...

Tarot of the Cat People
6 of Pentacles in one word is generosity. Giving to others, seeing that others have a need you can fulfill and compassion in action to create succor is the tone of this card. Often we are so focused on what we lack that we do not give thanks for the blessings we do have in our lives. Gratitude is the first step, and giving generously of oneself is the second. Indeed it is the only way to live within the spirit of Abundance; giving it away and knowing that you will be given to in return.

1. I am grateful for the following abundance in my life... I give back by doing...

2. There was once a time where I was in need and this person helped me out, asking for nothing in return. this is what happened and this is how I was forever changed by that generosity.

3. I plan on giving more to live within the energy of Abundance, I am going to do the following...

Ace's are always gifts and it is no different for the Ace of Cups. Drawing the Ace of Cups brings intimacy, love, gifts of intuition and insight, and working within your emotional intelligence. Love is the mini enlightenment, the experience of letting go of ego, just Being in the Light of Love. And when we love we free others, too.
                     It Felt Love
                     How Did the rose
                     Ever open its heart
                     And give to this world
                     All its Beauty?
                     It felt the encouragement of light
                     Against its
                     We all remain
                     Too Frightened.-- Hafiz

1. I love and I know I love because...
2. I am worthy of love and I am loved because...
3. Love is such an inadequate word to describe all the kinds of love there is in the world, what kinds of love have you not experienced yet?
4. Today I commit to doing one act of love for another; what I am going to do is...

Today's card draw is The Fool. The fool was once literally interpreted as a fool but the interpretation has changed to be one of joyful innocence, new beginnings, open-mindedness, and an internalized belief that Spirit is guiding and protecting him (and Spirit is). The Fool does not worry about the coulda, woulda, shouldas but rather is the moving now; the present and pure expression of each moment. Like a infant there is only experience and expression.

1. Think back to a time where you felt as if you were truly living without worries. How did that feel and what changed?

2. What new beginnings are unfolding in your life right this very moment? How can you better live within the innocence and trust of that unfolding?

3. Reflect on past moments where your Higher Power was guiding you; what happened? How did it feel, how did you know?

The Emperor by ~SceithAilm
The Emperor represents regulation, control, legacy building and ensuring a stable environment for his subjects. He has worked hard to become the master of all he surveys and he guides and protects it with a firm hand. The Emperor is the strong All Father, the paternal line; very different from the pregnant and flowing Empress, this is a guy with boundaries and discipline.

Kings and Emperors were important to the common person, they often established order and safety against the wild forests and people's outside of society and demanded loyalty in return.

1. What are your opinions about authority? Do you have issues with authority? If so, why and what do you do? Is your attitude about authority a healthy one?

2. How is your relationship to your Father? How did your Father shape your current attitudes toward Authority?

Old English Tarot
And for your last card of the week, we have The Moon. Maybe today you awoke and felt like something was 'off', you are not sure what it is and you cannot put a name to it but perhaps it had something to do with a troubling dream you cannot quite remember. The Moon is about the troubled waters of our psychological state, the unknown, the mysterious, the lost. Like the Moon, waxing and waning it can also figure prominently in troubled relationships; never settled but bipolar, rushing from headlong passion to barely a whisper. The Moon can also indicate a time to listen to that unsettled feeling and await the answer that will eventually come bubbling to the surface.

1. When you feel unsettled, and you do not know why, how do you honor that feeling?
2. How do you deal with ambiguity, do you fight it or do you accept it and why?
3. What relationships in your life are waxing and waning, never settled or peaceful?
4. What is that whisper so quiet inside of you, that you are afraid to listen to?

Legacy of the Divine Tarot
All that hard work is paying off, isn't it? 6 of Wands is the card of victory, success, being on top, being recognized for your hard efforts and celebrating your accomplishments. Too often we do not celebrate our accomplishments;  eager to check the next thing off of our list or to solve the next problem at hand we forget to bask in the glow of winning. Take the compliment graciously, enjoy the moment of accomplishment; allow your tribe to sing your praises with grace and pride in all that you have done, you deserve it!

For women accepting compliments, basking in the glow of success is a difficult thing. We are socialized to be more humble, to downplay our successes, to seek group harmony over getting well-deserved praise. We often think that if we just accept the praise then we will be seen as 'vain'. This is an area that I think women especially, need to work on.

1. When I am complimented I handle it by...
2. I am learning to be a gracious victor by...
3. I succeeded at doing... and I will celebrate my success by...
4. I am learning to take credit for my accomplishments in the following ways...