Let's Connect!
Happy Monday, darlings... today's card up for your consideration and enjoyment is 2 of Cups. 2 of Cups is connection, intimacy, a joining together, romance and attraction. This card is often understood as a romance card but I think that this card casts a wider net and includes intimate relationships. You "get" someone and they "get" you. This can be your mentor, teacher, child, sister, best friend; the person who looks into your eyes and sees the soul shining back at him; to me that is what 2 of Cups can mean.

1. The person who knows me most is... and their presence in my life is like...
2. I feel really understood by this person...it is a connection that is like...
3. I need to allow more people to connect with me in the following ways...
4. I am lacking true intimate connection in my life and it affects me in the following ways...
5. I am going to invite more intimacy in my life by letting others in, trusting others, accepting others as they are and beginning that path by doing...



Deborah L.
03/25/2013 11:50am

This is an adorable card. Would love to see the rest of the deck. Is it all bunnies?

I think the questions are great ones and will help us to understand the card better if it comes up in a reading. I can think of someone in my life who allows no intimacy, and a key characteristic I associate with her is control. I think it's from a lack of trust. It's been bothering me so the card is interesting for me.


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