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Tarot of the Cat People
6 of Pentacles in one word is generosity. Giving to others, seeing that others have a need you can fulfill and compassion in action to create succor is the tone of this card. Often we are so focused on what we lack that we do not give thanks for the blessings we do have in our lives. Gratitude is the first step, and giving generously of oneself is the second. Indeed it is the only way to live within the spirit of Abundance; giving it away and knowing that you will be given to in return.

1. I am grateful for the following abundance in my life... I give back by doing...

2. There was once a time where I was in need and this person helped me out, asking for nothing in return. this is what happened and this is how I was forever changed by that generosity.

3. I plan on giving more to live within the energy of Abundance, I am going to do the following...



Aaron Lozano link
04/25/2013 11:11am

This card use to stump me until I started to view it as energy, rather than material items, being given away. Great post. This like the Wheel of Fortune is about circulation of that energy. What are we giving attention to? What is taking our energy? How much are we giving away. Blessed Be.

04/26/2013 4:39pm

Exactly! We must create, give to be given to.


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