Let's Connect!
4/cups rides a fine line between being introspective and being self absorbed. The positive aspects of 4/swords are the times when you are reflective, meditative, quiet and usually in deep contemplation; all wonderful qualities! Sometimes though that contemplation can mean a personal absorption so self-focused that we miss other important messages literally being handed to us.

It could be the person who wants to be your friend but you are too busy to notice. The elderly neighbor who would love some company but you are too busy. A job or potential mate is available but because we have been so focused on what we think we want we cannot see the wonderful thing being offered just right of center. Being Now-focused helps with seeing what truly is outside of ego.

Take 10 minutes today to be present focused in the company of others, I bet you will see something you did not notice before.

1. Lately, I have been distracted by the following issue... I know I have not been paying attention because...

2. I have a feeling I should bring my focus and attention on the following...

3. Today I took 10 minutes being Now-Focused, this is where I was and this is what happened.

4. Today I took 10 minutes to turn off any electronics that took me out of the present moment, here is what happened...

PictureTarot of the Boroughs
Monday's 5 minute Tarot connection brings you the Knight of Cups! Knight in general in the Tarot mean action, youthful radiance and exploration. The Knight will whisk ladies upon their horse for a gorgeous and inventive night of romance and refinement. This Knight represents romance, sensitivity, imagination and action into one delightful whole. Most of Disney's Princes would fit the character of this Knight of Cups.

1. When was the last time you had a romantic night out?

2. What does romance mean to you outside of 'red roses, moonlit walks'? How can you include more romance in your daily life?

3. Knight of Cups represents the active giving of romance vs. the passive receiving of it, when is the last time you created a romantic atmosphere for another? Do you know that you can create that atmosphere for friends and not just for lovers?

4. Refinement is a word we do not often hear in our modern lives, do you

In honor of Midsummer, one of my most favorite times of year, I wrote just a wee little poem in celebration... I thought to share it here...

Turning Towards and Then Away

I am tilted towards you, O King,

falling towards radiance I spin

like a dervish, like the moon, like

a woman broken open in love for you.


There are no places to hide. You blast

every fearful particle to light: protons thrumming as waves.

No difference between light and movement turning,

strumming on baked stone, tiptoeing in bright tree,

my axis overwrought, my desire outpaces

my grace.


I get the full force of you in that beautiful life affirming dance, in

very late twilight, wine consumed and we are weaving, I’ve

drunk my fill then begin

to turn away to some darker place for slumber

And those dreams that tiptoe into the night,

my shadow long slanted behind me.


Gemini --The Star

Of course you are the star, darling; it’s your time to shine! The month of June highlights a time of positive, affirming energy and its message is simple, “Yes, you are allowed to take care of yourself.” So often we are taught that self care is selfish or we often put ourselves on the back burner to take care of our loved ones so please take the hint, Gemini and pamper yourself. You definitely deserve it.

Cancer --Ace/Wands

New ventures, projects or a new relationship seem to be on the horizon for you, cancer. Like this card, you need to grasp the baton and move forward with the opportunity being presented to you. Maybe there are some anxieties or concerns about forward movement, being a Cancer you do like to check all angles before running to the shore; however this card is a positive message telling you to go ahead as the way is clear and you might also find this time to be a time of heightened stamina and creativity.

Leo --3/Cups

June is highlighting social gatherings of all kinds, Leo, and that’s usually your thing. Celebrations, hanging out with good friends, fully enjoying your weekend are on offer for you. It seems that you have been working quite hard this past spring and the Tarot draw is letting you know that it’s ok to slow down and reconnect with those who know you best. June is simply good times, good times.

Virgo --2/Cups

June for you highlights creating intimate moments, Virgo. Whether it’s a new love relationship, a re-connecting with a current one or just working on getting to a new level of intimacy with close friends, 2/cups is about connection, intimacy, and opening a deeper level of yourself with trust and respect to another. This feels like a great month for you, let the right ones in, Virgo.

Libra --10/Swords

June may bring some challenges your way and sometimes the only thing we can do is take what comes but enact damage control. If there is something you have been fighting to keep alive (a relationship, a job that isn’t working out, a friendship), then its time to let it go and let the chips fall where they may. Sometimes the 10/swords seems like such a strong card because we are fighting the inevitable. This isn’t an end; it is a wonderful new beginning if you let it be.

Scorpio --5/Pentacles

Anxiety will be a theme for you in the month of June. This card highlights anxiety and worry usually of a financial or household situation. It will be good to check your anxiety against the facts of your situation. Is your worry greater than the challenge itself? What do you do to calm yourself when you are anxious and feeling overwhelmed? June feels like a month of waiting some things out, my Scorp, so please don’t let your head run away with your heart.

Sagittarius --5/cups

The month of June has the theme of dealing with loss. There is an energy of regret and a sense of crying over what was. It is perfectly ok to grieve the loss of something whether that is a relationship or even a fender bender. This card talks about something that is known already to you that you are sad about rather than a new thing happening. How do you handle regret, Sag? This is also a time to make a plan for moving forward.

Capricorn --9/Pentacles

June heralds a comfortable time for you, Capricorn. This is one of my favorite cards in fact, it carries the emotional energy of one is fully flowered into who they are and is totally comfortable with that person. June encapsulates the sense of ease, comfort, relaxation and time spent outside, particularly in gardens. You are awesome sauce and you know it.

Aquarius --The Sun

June actually corresponds with the card of the Sun as this is the month that we experience midsummer in the northern hemisphere, the longest day of the year, and you are vibing with that energy, Aquarius! June heralds time with friends, positivity on all aspects of your life and general warmth and good feeling. Travel could also be highlighted during this month as well.

Pisces --10/Cups

This card is the card of celebrations and it would seem there are many coming your way in the month of June. Engaged in positive social functions, picnics and outside events especially are on tap for you as this month is about reconnecting and making merry with your near and dear. There is a rainbow over you so a lucky time is on offer as well. Enjoy June, Pisces!

Aries --Queen/Cups

June is the month for really digging into you most compassionate, intuitive, and spiritual self, Aires. The Queen calls you to go deeper into your most sacred heart-places and take what you have learned there to be more compassionate and empathetic to others. You may find a renewed interest in doing art, seeking romance and caring for loved ones during this time. June is gentle for you, Aries.

Taurus --The Tower

Buckle up, Taurus because some breakdown could be on your horizon. The Tower usually indicates a time when something falls apart, and you with it. But the Tower also is a breaking apart  it is necessary for your own personal growth and forward momentum. This is a great card of transformation but for now if you find yourself saying, “why me?” know that this month is truly about breaking apart outmoded, structured things, so the new shoots can grow. Fall gracefully my bull!

Today is World Tarot Day!

World Tarot Day is a day that was established 10 years ago
to teach the public all about the many different and wonderful
ways Tarot are still relevant to our lives today.

This event also seeks to help demystify and clarify stereotypes
around the practice of reading Tarot.

In support of today's event I am offering readings at 30% off!

A one hour reading, if purchased today is $52.20
A 30 minute reading, purchased today is $24.50

While the reading must be purchased today, you have until
12/1/2013 to redeem your reading.

Purchase below to secure your reading at this special rate!
PictureTarot Maximo
Like the proton and the electron, 2/pentacles is stable, repeating movement in respect to one another. In every other suit, the twos suggest stability but with the pentacles, the twos take on a dynamic action suggesting that while the situation is energetic it is also sustainable.

2/pentacles keeps on your feet by injecting a sense of change, flexibillity, and working within your flow. Sustaining 80% of your capacity is 2/pentacles. 2/pentacles usually has a person juggling both pentacles, while active and engaged she is not straining, in fact she seems to be enjoying the momentum and her ability to compensate and adapt to the ever shifting conditions.

1. What are you juggling in your life right now, does it fill you with energy or dread?

2. In what ways are you an agent of change in your life and in others' lives?

3. Are you sustaining 80% capacity in any area of your life? When you are working at that level, how does it feel and what are the typical outcomes?

4. Is there momentum in your life you are currently engaged in and enjoying? If not, does change create anxiety for you? What do you do to mitigate the anxiety you feel in change situations?

The Magician TarotBy Darin Shock
What are you making of this (maybe?) one life you've been given? That, to me, is the ultimate embodiment of the Magician. While the photo I chose is tongue in cheek, the Magician in the Tarot sense is not one who pulls rabbits from hats or pulls a half dollar from behind your ear. However, the wonder and mystery that one feels when in the midst of truly magic work are all in active play.

The Magician is the active principal, the alignment of what is in the ether: your thoughts, your goals, your values, your sense of self, and the creation of that Being into the real and active world. This is the great principal behind "The Secret", that we can use the very act of our focus to create the things we want on our lives.

We can align how we think about ourselves in the world with what we want. The Magician is powerful, unwavering, and committed.

Through our will we can manifest great change and transformation. Gandhi was a Magician. Leonardo di Vinci was a Magician. The woman who bootstrapped her way into getting a degree with three kids in tow is a Magician.

1. What are you Magicking into your life right now?

2. What requires your total commitment and focus?

3. What is it that you truly want to create in the world, and are your thoughts, values and will in      alignment with that, if not, why not?

4. Tell me about a time where by sheer dint of your determination and effort, you became/won/started something others said was impossible or unlikely?

5. Do you realize how truly, tremendously and completely powerful you are?

Strength TarotShadowscapes Tarot
Originally called Fortitude, Strength concerns itself with the strength that comes over a concerted effort over a long period of time. Strength is controlled, coercive, compassionate, and most of all, patient.

Strength derives from the balanced aspect between the "animal" aspect of ourselves, our inner lions and all of the emotions and urges they bring, and our rational nature as humans.

Strength encourages you to hone the lion's strength to support you during a challenging time. Strength also expects you to reign in your temper, to manage your impulses and keep your focus on the goal using a compassionate application of rational control.

The balance, once achieved, is the apex of fortitude and the kind of strength we all hope to achieve.

1. Do you under or over regulate your lion self? Do you trust your lion nature?

2. What does a well integrated self (lion's strength, energy and emotions reigned in under compassionate control) look like to you? Are you there yet?

3. Do you forgive yourself when you make mistakes based out of emotion or impulse? Are you loving and compassionate to your lion nature?

4. Do you resist rational control and let your emotional self run free (and all it's side effects)? If so, why?

Queen of Pentacles TarotCan someone tell me which deck?
The Queen is a court card and court cards generally are expressed as a person, a personality type you need to adopt (or drop) or an action.

For Today's Tarot Connection we are concerned with  home. The Queen/Pentacles always can find a spot for that ailing plant, another broken winged animal (or friend) to nurse back to health, and her stoop would probably be filled with herbs and bird feeders aplenty.

This Queen considers her home a haven for herself and for others, as well as a personalized extension of the natural world. This Queen is also very practical and resourceful, whether it be broken things or broken people she works to create a safe, healing bower filled with love, food and a trustworthy ear. (notice the bunnies at her feet? I love that!)

Without pretension, judgements, or much finesse she always welcomes you to her comfortable, loving home.

1. Is your home a comfortable safe haven for yourself and for others?

2. Have you allowed the healing power of nature in your home?  If not, what can you do to bring a little green into your home?

3. Are you a trustworthy person? Do secrets and confidences stay with you or do they slip out (even just a little)? What can you do to create a safer atmosphere for those within your influence?

4. Can you accept others as they are (including their broken places) without judgement?

Picture"The Wheel of Fortune": E. Burne-Jones
The Wheel of Fortune, or more correctly, Fortuna's Wheel, is a very old concept with many literary mentions in classic Greek literature. The idea of the capricious nature of luck and fate is an old and enduring concept still captured in Tarot's very own Wheel of Fortune. The Wheel of Fortune often represents a change in luck, or a very lucky streak which is about to run out mostly this has nothing to do with you but greater events largely out of your control.

In our modern lives we purchase insurance, wear our seat belts, and take our vitamins. We are obsessed with mitigating any negative effects Chance would like to play on our lives. Alternatively, Las Vegas is the city that reveres Fortuna by never sleeping and about the country lottery tickets purchased to win ever increasing pots of gold we also curry Her favor. Rabbit's foots, lucky pennies, and four leafed clovers are carried to an attempt to sway the direction of the wheel in our lives.

The modern Western world is preoccupied with completely controlling every aspect of life but sometimes Chance rolls the dice and it is your turn: to get cancer, to lose a child, to experience tragedy and loss that often makes no sense and we keep running in our heads over and over,

"How can this be? This is not fair! What did I do to deserve this?" This is the experience of the Fortuna's Wheel spinning against your favor. But when She decides to smile upon you, you find $50 on the ground, you get that job or that house, you give birth to a beautiful, perfect baby. Usually we congratulate ourselves when it goes right and blame God when it does not. But often, it just makes no sense, it is just Fortuna spinning her wheel over and over again.

1. Do you consider yourself a lucky or unlucky person, why or why not?
2. Right now, are you in a period of good fortune, or running through a time of bad luck?
3. Are you a cautious person, or do you let the 'chips fall where they may'?
4. Do you believe that luck is largely an uncontrollable aspect within our lives, or do you believe you make your own luck?