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Happy Equinox & Mabon!

When I think about the Equinox, the time of perfect balance and equilibrium, I think about the tarot card Lady Justice.

Lady Justice is also known as Lustitia the Roman Goddess of Human justice with a lineage that includes even more ancient Goddesses who precided over fairness including Dike of Greek and Maat of Egyptian pantheons.

Justice's call is to maintain equilibrium, to make things fair, to be without bias and while we might feel that this balanced state is stable, it is actually a very interdynamic process needing a lot of care and attention to maintain.

So for today I have made for you a guided meditation to help you deepen your understanding and work around balance and also a little sweet, sweet divination, i.e. communication with the Divine!

The meditation is about 10 minutes and I hope you can join us as you recalibrate your sense of equanimity while our very planet suspends between movements. I would LOVE to read your experience with the meditation, please write about your experience and insights in a comment below!



09/20/2013 6:01pm

Loved the idea of guided meditation. Can't wait for other guided meditations. I was able to do this one right at my work desk. Unfortunately, I discovered a lot of fear trying to cross the canyon on the tight rope. Never knew that I had a fear of height. Well thanks for teaching me something new about myself.

09/20/2013 6:46pm

Stacey, how interesting about the height piece! I was wondering if people might find an issue with it! Let me know how this develops within you

09/21/2013 10:19am

She told me to remember who I am. :)

09/22/2013 8:45pm

Aparna, That is a beautiful thing to be reminded of... <3

Ellen link
09/23/2013 7:35am

Thank you for this meditation.The crossing was difficult for me too. "Balance is not a statis but a dynamic tension" was an eyeopener for me

09/23/2013 4:43pm

Ellen, you know that was an intuitive insight as I was writing this meditation and testing it out in myself :) It was a profound message!

Arwen link
09/23/2013 9:17am

Jenna, this was a terrific sharing. Thank you.

09/23/2013 4:44pm


Thank you for visiting as well as the feedback, thank you!

Margo link
09/23/2013 10:21am

What a lovely post - I'm keeping this page bookmarked to do the meditation later when I be in calm solitude. Thank you.

09/23/2013 4:43pm

Margo, Let me know what you think!

Joanne Sprott link
09/29/2013 4:31pm

Thanks, Jenna. Great idea. She said "Rest." I was not afraid to to go across; the message was the most important part, for I do far too much and rest far too little these days. :)

10/01/2013 5:27pm


Thank you for the update and yes, you are so right, especially in the fall we are all so very busy. I hope you heed the call and carve out come time to recharge. I find that I lose my balance (both physically as well as emotionally) when I am too harried.

ephedra here link
10/21/2013 7:08am

The contemplation is about 10 mites further I anticipation you can merge us as you recalibrate your understanding of patience bit our too world stops intermediate moves. I would ADORATION to peruse your background among the thought, elate compose about your feel plus understandings in a note inferior!


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