Let's Connect!
For the longest time I killed any urge I had to daydream because I thought I should be practical, "Why waste brain space on something that is not going to happen... or something that would only tease me?" I thought. It was only later that I realized how wrong I was. I had a personal epiphany: denying my dreams meant denying a part of my deep self.

Since that time have I made some radical, life altering, life affirming changes! A little over a year ago, sitting in my office and looking out at a world beyond my excel spreadsheet I had a dream to leave the office-workaday world in order to live more fully with my purpose. Because I finally heeded that dream I was able to totally reinvent my life.

I cannot imagine my life now if I had not given myself permission to dream. So for today, I encourage you to dream that big scary dream that won't go away, that settles in at the very edge of your awareness saying, "I am still here, and I am waiting." Our thoughts create our reality but it is our spirit that starts the spark, the ignition sequence for take off.



Ellen link
10/11/2013 11:08am

Thanks for this encouraging words. I've been pulling the seven of cups a lot lately and there is something hidden between all my desires.. That one thing I want and need the most to dream about, But which I cant seem to grasp yet...

10/11/2013 7:05pm

Ellen, something hidden between all of your desires...what a profound sentence. Sounds like when things remain hidden it means that are shifting under the surface and will break through, soon

Ellen link
10/12/2013 6:08am

Perhaps, it could be better not to search desperately but to let it find me when it has grown stronger. Maybe it's like chasing happiness.....

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